Wealth Planning Needs

At Creech Schwartz Wealth Management, we are committed to providing you with informed perspectives and tailored approaches to your needs and challenges. As your trusted advisor, we begin with a deep understanding of your financial priorities and then apply appropriate financial strategies to help you enhance your wealth. Together, we can explore your needs regarding wealth planning as we work to help build, manage, preserve and transfer your wealth.

  • Assess your risk tolerance
  • Rebalance or reposition assets as needed

  • Retirement plan investments
  • Stock option grants or restricted stock

  • Adequate insurance coverage
  • Management plan for incapacity/disability

  • Emergency funds
  • Cash alternatives

  • Types of ownership; beneficiary designations
  • Wealth preservation strategies

  • Identify tax-efficient portfolio strategies
  • Manage capital gains, losses and alternative minimum tax (AMT) exposure

  • Select suitable charitable techniques
  • Instill philanthropic values in the next generation